The Adform connector provides a convenient way of exporting data directly from the Decentriq platform to an Adform DSP seat.
Decentriq exports data to an Amazon S3 bucket which is integrated into the Adform workflow.
- Have an existing DMP contract with Adform.
- Have created segments in your Adform DMP account.
- These are required for uploading/activating data.
- Make note of the segment IDs as these are required by Decentriq when uploading data.
- Have contacted your Adform account manager to create an S3 bucket for first-party ID uploads.
- Adform will create this bucket on your behalf. It is advised to request this at least 2-3 weeks in advance of requiring it.
- Once the bucket is created, Adform will securely send the credentials to the provided email address.
- Save these credentials as they will be required by Decentriq when uploading data.
Note: Adform expect that a bucket will be used within 14 days of it being ready. If data is not uploaded within this time frame, the bucket will be deactivated. It can be reactivated by contacting the Adform DMP support team.
Step-by-step guide
Follow the steps to select a dataset for export and choose Adform from the list of connectors.
Input the requisite information:
- Bucket name: Name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the data should be exported.
- Region code: Geographical region of the bucket.
- Object name: Dataset name when uploaded to the bucket.
- Segment owners: DMP segment owner IDs that the user IDs will be associated with.
- Each segment owner is added individually by clicking on the “+ Add Segment Owner” button.
- Credentials: The access key and secret key associated with the bucket (see the Prerequisites section above for obtaining the credentials).
After clicking the Export button navigate to the Imports/Exports tab on the Datasets page to track the status of the export.
Once completed, the dataset will be accessible in the specified Amazon S3 bucket and should be accessible by the Adform DSP seat.
- Contact your Adform account manager to confirm that the segments are being populated as expected.