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Data owner guide

As a data owner in Decentriq's Advanced Analytics DCR, you have precise control over the use of your data. This section describes how.

Accessing and navigating the DCR

  1. Access all DCRs your account participates in by clicking the DCRs button on the sidebar. Sidebar actions are outlined in Welcome to Decentriq

Auditing a DCR and provising data in the OVERVIEW tab


After entering a DCR, you see the Overview tab. By default only the available actions are listed there, in this example, the dataset owner of the hospital data is the owner of the hospital_data table and is expected to import their dataset.

Before provisioning data (see below), you should untoggle Show only actionable items to review the entire DCR configuration, in particular how your data will be used.

Actions overview
Overview for everything

In the expanded Overview tab you can see the whole DCR configuration:

- What data is expected and its schema (if its a table)
- What computations have been pre-configured in the DCR
- Who has permission to do what
- The audit log since the beginning of the DCR

Provisioning data

You have two main options for importing data into the Decentriq platform:

  • Directly through the DCR you are invited to
  • Through the datasets tab in the side bar

Both those options are outlined in detail in the section Import data into Decentriq.

Provision file through the in the DCR UI

Approving requests in the REQUESTS tab

  1. Check the Requests tab for pending approvals. Note that at this stage, this computation is still provisional, so no matter the content, it will not be available to the analyst unless it is approved.

  2. Review computation details:

    • Analyst permissions
    • Requested data
    • Code (for computations)
    • Parameters (for privacy nodes)
    Auditing a request
  3. Audit the contents against agreed collaboration terms.

  4. Click "Approve" if satisfactory.

Once approved, the computation becomes available for execution in the overview tab for the designated data analyst and visible to all DCR participants.

View the audit log in the AUDIT LOG tab

All participants can access and download the audit log at any time, providing an accurate and reliable record of all DCR activities.

Audit log