Using a Media DCR as a publisher
This page describes the use of the Media DCR as an publisher user.
Provision data - The Data tab
In this tab, you can provision your Datalab containing your user profiles to the Media DCR.
The Datalabs are prepared in the Publisher Portal as a combination of several datasets. Please speak to your customer success representative or contact for more information on how to access the platform as a publisher and get ready to collaborate with advertisers.
Gain insights - The Insights tab
This tab is available if the collaboration type Insights has been enabled in this Media DCR. All users in the Media DCR have access to the Insights tab.
As soon as data is available from both publisher and advertiser, the insights will automatically be computed. This may take up to several hours, depending on the data size. The result is a dashboard that displays analytics designed to help understand the advertiser's audience in terms of the publisher attributes. There are four views:
- Basic: a quick overview of the match rate, demographic overlap, and top segments.
- Detailed: a deeper view, showing how demographics and segments interact in combination with each other.
- Comparison: a side-by-side view of different advertiser audiences.
- Explorer: a custom data visualization engine that allows looking at different slices of data along different axes using dropdowns.
The insights can be used for:
- Creating captivating and targeted creatives: by getting insights into the audience's preferences and interests, it enables the design of compelling and highly relevant creative content.
- Picking the right inventory: advertisers can make informed decisions about selecting the most suitable inventory for their campaign.
- Planning contextual campaigns: identify relevant contexts and environments where the campaign can be most effective.
- The insights are calculated based on the overlap between the advertiser customer list and the publisher audience. A small overlap ratio does not necessarily mean that the publisher audience is not relevant to the advertiser. It just means that the insights are based on a smaller sample size. Using lookalike modeling, it is possible to expand the audience to the desired reach for targeting.
- If the dashboard shows that there were not enough users in the overlap, it is likely that there was an issue with the matching ID. Please check again that the ID type is the one agreed between publisher and advertiser, and if hashing was required that it has been applied as expected.
- Affinity ratio is used in several metrics. It is calculated for a given segment as the ratio of "Share in overlap" to "Share in matchable publisher audience" (users in the publisher audience who have a matching ID).
- Privacy measures (aggregation, noise, rounding, suppression) are applied to the data to ensure that no individual user can be identified. This is done by aggregating the data and only showing insights that are statistically relevant.
- If the Show absolute audience sizes setting was disabled, the charts will only show relative values.
Exporting audiences - The Audiences tab
This tab is available if at least one of the collaboration types Remarketing or Lookalike audiences or Rule-based audiences have been enabled in this Media DCR.
This tab shows all audiences the advertiser or agency users have made available to you. These audiences are ready to be exported and activated in your DMP or SSP.