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Data Connectors

Decentriq's Data Connectors provide a convenient way of moving data into/out of the Decentriq Platform with minimal interaction.

Data Source Connectors

Data Source Connectors are responsible for importing data from an external source into the Decentriq Platform.

Imported data is encrypted with a user-provided encryption key which is stored in the Keychain, allowing the data to be provisioned to new or existing data clean rooms.

Decentriq supports importing data from the following external data sources:

  • Amazon S3
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Snowflake
  • Salesforce
  • Permutive

The import process can be followed directly through the Decentriq UI by accessing the Datasets page from the sidebar menu:

Sidebar menu

Then clicking the Import from external source button on the top right corner: Import dataset

Amazon S3, Azure Blob and Google Cloud Storage

Storage Bucket configuration such as name, region and object are required, as well as the credentials. The imported object will be stored as is, without any data manipulation. Once imported, the dataset can be provisioned to any DCR for further collaboration.

Import from Amazon S3 via the Decentriq UI

After accessing the Datasets page from the sidebar and clicking the Import from external source button on the top right corner, select Amazon S3 from the available options:

Import dataset sources
Fill in all fields with the required configuration and access credentials to the S3 Bucket:
S3 import configuration
The importing process will start. Once in progress, the browser window can be closed as the task will still be running on the server side.
S3 import in progress
Once the process is succeeded, the dataset is available in the Datasets page and can be provisioned the multiple Data Clean Rooms.
S3 imported dataset

Import from Amazon S3 via the Python SDK

To import datasets programmatically using the Decentriq Python SDK, please follow the Import Datasets Cookbook.


The following steps must be performed on the Snowflake platform prior to importing the data:

  1. Create a file format compatible with Decentriq datasets.
  1. Create a Snowflake internal stage. It is important that Snowflake server side encryption (SNOWFLAKE_SSE) is enabled.
  1. Unload the data from a database table into the previously created stage.
COPY INTO @decentriq_export_stage from DB_NAME.DB_SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME FILE_FORMAT = decentriq_csv;
  1. Access the stage and verify that the data has been unloaded. One or more CSV files should be present. An example list looks like:

Once the above steps are completed, fill in the required fields in the Decentriq UI and start the importing process. This will create a single dataset containing the contents of all the staged files. Once complete, the dataset is ready to be provisioned to any DCR for further collaboration.


This will import any object from Salesforce and store it as a dataset in the Decentriq platform. Note: The imported file/dataset will be stored as is, without any data manipulation.


This will import Publisher datasets from Permutive via a Cloud Storage service and store them as datasets in the Decentriq platform. These datasets can then be provisioned directly to Decentriq Data Labs for Publishers. Please prepare your datasets in advance for importing.

Data Destination Connectors

Data Destination Connectors are responsible for exporting data from the Decentriq Platform to an external source.

Decentriq supports exporting data to the following external data sources:

  • Amazon S3
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Meta Ads
  • Google Display & Video 360
  • Google Ad Manager
  • Permutive

From the sidebar menu, access the Datasets page, select an existing dataset and in the dataset details popup, click the Export dataset button.

Amazon S3, Azure Blob and Google Cloud Storage

The selected dataset will be directly exported to the Storage Bucket and stored as an object.
To verify the successful export, please directly access your Bucket.

Meta Ads

This will export the selected dataset directly as an audience to Meta Ads Manager.
The dataset should have only one column with plain email addresses that will be automatically hashed with SHA256. Please access your Meta Ads Manager to verify the created audience.

Google Display & Video 360

This will export the selected dataset directly as First- and Third-party audience to Google DV 360. The dataset should have only one column with plain email addressed that will be automatically hashed with SHA256. Please access your Google DV 360 account to verify the created audience.

This will export the selected dataset as an Audience Segment in Google Ad Manager 360. The dataset should have only one column with the list of identifiers. The type of identifier (e.g. PPID, Cookie Encrypted, etc), Segment and Network Code must be specified. Please access your Google Ad Manager 360 account to verify the created audience segment.


This will export the selected dataset directly as an imported segment on Permutive using a Cloud Storage service. The dataset should have only one column with Permutive IDs, and the segment will be added automatically to them. Please access your Permutive account to verify the imported segment.